

单词 Tabula in naufragio
释义 保障按揭抵押有效的法律產業權
Lat – a plank in a shipwreck.
Conveyancing - The doctrine that the owner of an equitable interest who has acquired that interest without notice of an earlier equitable interest can, by acquiring the legal estate, prevail over the earlier equitable interest. Provided the acquisition of the legal estate does not involve the holder of the legal estate in a breach of trust, the doctrine overcomes the rule that an earlier equity prevails over a later one. It is one aspect of the rule of tacking, usually encountered in the case of tacking as between mortgagees: for example Assaf v Fuwa [1955] AC 215. In a contest between two equitable mortgagees, the latter could sometimes gain priority over the earlier by acquiring a legal mortgage which had priority to both: Peacock v Burt (1834) 4 LJ Ch 33. The insufficiency of the security was the ‘shipwreck ‘ and the legal estate was the ‘plank’ which any equitable mortgagee might seize without concern for the others: Brace v Duchess of Marlborough (1728) 2 P Wmns 491, 24 ER 829, 20 Digest (Repl) 317. However, this doctrine has been abolished in Hong Kong: Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (Cap 219) s 45. See also Equitable mortgage; Legal mortgage; Priority; Qui prior est tempore, potior est jure; Tacking; Tacking of further advances.
拉丁語 – 失事船的木殼板。
物業轉易 - 一項原則,指在沒有獲悉較早的衡平法權益的情況下獲取該衡平法權益的權益擁有人,可憑藉獲得法律上的產權,而凌駕於該較早的衡平法權益。如獲取該法律上的產權沒有牽涉法律上產權的持有人違反信託,則該原則遏止較早的衡平法權益凌駕於其後的權益的原則。這是按揭優先清償的原則的其中一面,通常見於承按人之間的按揭優先清償的情況:例如Assaf v Fuwa [1955] AC 215。就兩位衡平法承按人之間的競爭而言,其後的承按人有時可憑藉獲取對其後或較早的承按人有優先權的法律上的按揭,取得先於較早的承按人的優先權:Peacock v Burt (1834) 4 LJ Ch 33。保證的不足是「船難」,而有關的法律上的產權,則是任何衡平法承按人在沒有顧及他人的情況下會奪取的「木板」:Brace v Duchess of Marlborough (1728) 2 P Wins 491。但這原則在香港已被廢除:《物業轉易及財產條例》(第219章)第45條。另見 Equitable mortgage; Legal mortgage; Priority; Qui prior est tempore, potior est jure; Tacking; Tacking of further advances。




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