

单词 Tainted property
释义 污點財產
In criminal law, property used in, or in connection with the commission of an offence, or derived or realised from the commission of an offence. For example, the property being imported into or exported from Hong Kong and which (i) in whole or in part directly or indirectly represents any person’s proceeds of drug trafficking; (ii) has been used in drug trafficking; or (iii) is intended for use in drug trafficking: Drug Trafficking (Recovery of Proceeds) Ordinance (Cap 405) s 24A. See also Forfeiture order.
就刑法而言,指用以犯罪或用以與犯罪有關的財產,或指從犯罪獲得或變現的財產。例如是輸入香港或自香港輸出的財產,及是(i) 全部或部分、直接或間接代表任何人的販毒得益的;(ii) 曾用於販毒的;或(iii) 擬用於販毒的:《販毒(追討得益)條例》(第405章)第24A條。另見 Forfeiture order。




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