

单词 Interim order
释义 臨時命令
In family law, an order made pending a further or final order. Often made in applications for parenting orders in relation to a child, due to delay in the final hearing dates being appointed. The court can also make temporary order in relation to child and spousal maintenance: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 5; Separation and Maintenance Orders Ordinance (Cap 16) s 9(1); Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Cap 13) s 13(3)(a). The court in exercising its discretion in making such orders, it may take into account the financial needs, financial resources of the child and the standard of living enjoyed by the family before the breakdown of the marriage: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 7(2). The court may, upon any application for an adoption order, postpone the determination of the application and make an interim order giving custody of the infant to the applicant for a period not exceeding two years by way of a probationary period upon such terms as regards provision for maintenance and education and supervision of the welfare of the infant and otherwise as the court may think fit: Adoption Ordinance (Cap 290) s 9. See also Interim custody; Interlocutory order.
指家庭法中,在進一步或最終的命令待決期間所發出的命令。在要求作出有關某兒童的養育令的申請中,如獲指定的最終聆訊日期延誤,通常有此等命令發出。法院可就兒童及配偶的贍養而作出臨時命令:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第5條;《分居令及贍養令條例》(第16章)第9(1)條;《未成年人監護條例》(第13章)第13(3)(a)條。法院在決定應否行使其酌情決定權而作出此等命令時,可顧及該子女的經濟需要、該子女的經濟來源及該家庭在婚姻破裂前所享有的生活水平:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第7(2)條。法院可於接獲領養令的申請後,押後對申請作出裁決,而作出臨時命令,以為期不超過2年作試行期,將幼年人的管養權交付予申請人,法院並可就提供幼年人贍養及教育以及其福利的監察及其他方面,附加其認為適宜的條款:《領養條例》(第290章)第9條。另見 Interim custody; Interlocutory order。




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