

单词 By-election
释义 補選
An election to fill a vacancy in a public body (for example, the Legislative Council, District Council) arising other than from the expiration of the term of office of all those members who are to be elected under any electoral law as members of that public body; or the dissolution of a public body: Electoral Affairs Commission Ordinance (Cap 541) s 2(1); Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) ss 3(1), 36: District Council Ordinance (Cap 547) ss 2, 33. See also Election.
填補公共機構(例如立法會或區議會)空缺的選舉,而出現該等空缺的原因,並非在於根選舉法獲選為有關公共機構的全體成員的任期已屈滿,或該公共機構已解散:《選舉管理委員會條例》(第541章)第2(1)條;《立法會條例》(第542章)第3(1)及36條;《區議會條例》(第547章)第2及33條。另見 Election。




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