

单词 Victimisation
释义 危害/使人受害
1. Subjecting a person to a detriment on the ground of an act that the person has done, or failed to do. For example, subjecting a witness to a detriment with the purpose of punishing him for having given evidence: A-G v Butterworth [1963] 1 QB 696 (CA). It amounts to a contempt of court: A-G v Butterworth, supra. 2. Subjecting a person to any less favourable treatment because the person intends, or is suspected of intending, to take proceedings in relation to discrimination the person has suffered. A discriminator discriminates against the person victimised if he treats the person victimised less favourably than in those circumstances he treats or would treat other persons, and does so by reason that the person victimised or the third person has brought proceedings against the discriminator or any other person under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, given evidence or information in connection with proceedings brought against the discriminator, otherwise done anything under or by reference to the Sex Discrimination Ordinance in relation to the discriminator, or alleged that the discriminator or any other person has committed an act which would amount to a contravention of this Ordinance, or by reason that the discriminator knows the person victimised intends to do any of those thing, or suspects the person victimised has done, or intends to do any of them: Sex Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 480) s 9(1). The test is the ‘but for test’: Nagarajan v London Regional Transport [2000] 1 AC 501. The burden of establishing that there has been no adequate or satisfactory explanation of the conduct lies upon the plaintiff: Chang Ying Kwan v Wyeth (HK) Ltd [2001] 2 HKC 129. There are also provisions prohibiting discrimination by way of victimisation in Disability Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 487) s 7 (1) and Family Status Discrimination Ordinance (Cap 527) s 6(1). See also Discrimination.
1.因某人已作出的或未有作出的行為而使該人蒙受損害。舉例說,意圖懲罰某個已提供證據的證人而使該人蒙受損害:A-G v Butterworth [1963] 1 QB 696 (芵國上訴法院)。使人受害可構成藐視法庭:A-G v Butterworth, 見上文。  2. 因某人意圖或懷疑意圖就其蒙受歧視而提起法律程序,令該人得到任何較差的待遇。歧視者如由於受害人士或第三者根據性別歧視條例對該歧視者或任何其他人提出法律程序;就任何人根據性別歧視條例對該歧視者提出的法律程序而提供證據或資料;就該歧視者而根據本條例或藉援引本條例作出任何其他事情;或指稱該歧視者或任何其他人曾作出一項會構成違反性別歧視條例的作為,或由於該歧視者知悉該受害人士擬作出任何上述事情,或懷疑該受害人士已作出或擬作出任何上述事情,給予該受害人士差於他在相同情況下給予或會給予其他人的待遇,即屬在該等情況下歧視該受害人士:《性別歧視條例》(第480章)第9(1)條。有關的驗證是「若非」驗證:Nagarajan v London Regional Transport [2000] 1 AC 501。原告人須負有舉證責任,證明該行為無任何充分或使人滿意的解釋:Chang Ying Kwan v Wyeth (HK) Ltd [2001] 2 HKC 129。在《殘疾歧視條例》(第487章)第7(1)條及《家庭崗位歧視條例》(第527章)第6(1)條亦載有條文,禁止使人受害的歧視。另見 Discrimination。n.




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