

单词 Bias, rule against
释义 免除偏私規則
In administrative law, a person must not be a judge in his own cause. Hence if a person acting in a judicial capacity is in fact a party to the litigation or has a financial or proprietary interest in its outcome then he is indeed sitting as a judge in his own cause. This should result in his automatic disqualification. If that person’s decision would lead to the promotion of a cause in which he was involved together with one of the parties, that should also result in his automatic disqualification. This principle also applies where a person acting in a judicial capacity is not a party to the suit and does not have a financial interest in its outcome, but in some other way his conduct or behaviour may give rise to a suspicion that he is not impartial. In such a case, there should be an investigation as to whether there is a real likelihood of bias: R v Bow Street Metropolitan Stipendiary Magistrates & Ors ex p Pinochet Ugarte (No 2) [2000] 1 AC 119 (HL). Justice should not only be done, it should manifestly be seen to be done: R v Sussex Justices ex p McCarthy [1923] 1 KB 256, [1924] 1 KB 256. An administrative decision actuated by bias, be it actual or apparent, on the part of the decision maker is amenable to judicial review on that ground. See also Bias; Procedural fairness.
在行政法,一人不得在其本身的案件任裁斷人。因此,如擔任司法職務的人實際上是訴訟的一方,或對有關的審訊結果有財務或所有人的利益,則他確實是在其本身的案件任裁斷人。結果他的任命應自動失效。如該人的決定,會導致提升他和訴訟的一方牽涉的訴訟因由,則他的任命也應自動失效。另外,如擔任司法職務的人並非訴訟一方,及對有關的審訊結果沒有財務上的利益,但他的表現或行為在若干程度上令人懷疑他並不中立,則上述原則也同樣適用。在這情況下,應作出調查,以了解是否確實有偏私的可能:R v Bow Street Magistrates exp Pncohet (No.2) [2000] 1 AC 119(上議院)。應不僅執行司法公正,還應明顯地看得見司法公正的執行:R v Sussex Justices exp McCarthy[1923] 1 KB 256, [1924] 1 KB 256。因決策者的偏私而作出的行政決定,不論是實質偏私或表面上的偏私,受影響者均可以此為理由申請司法覆核。另見 Bias; Procedural fairness。




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