

单词 Advocate
释义 出庭代訟人
A legal practitioner or person who presents or defends a case on behalf of a client before a court or tribunal. Most jurisdictions require an advocate to have appropriate qualifications before he or she may practise and appear before a court. An advocate will usually have experience and knowledge in a particular field. Advocacy in the higher courts is normally conducted by barristers who undertake specific training as advocates. Solicitors are more likely to practice advocacy in the lower courts and tribunals, except in jurisdictions where legal practitioners are admitted to practise both as solicitors and barristers. Advocates are subject to advocacy rules which include duties such as disinterestedness and frankness to both the client and the court: the Code of Conduct of the Bar of the Hong Kong SAR. See also Advocacy; Barrister; Legal professional privilege; Solicitor.
代表當事人出席法庭或裁判處處理或辯護案件的法律執業者或人。大部份司法管轄區要求出庭代訟人先具備合適資格,方可出庭處理訟案。出庭代訟人通常具備某一特定法律範疇的經驗與知識。在較高級的法院內進行的訴訟,由接受過訟辯訓練的大律師處理。除某些司法管轄區準許當地法律執業者以大律師及律師身份執業外,律師多數會在較下級的法院或裁判處執行訟辯工作。出庭代訟人須要遵守訟辯規則,包括對當事人及法庭客觀和坦誠:《香港特別行政區大律師執業守則》。另見 Advocacy; Barrister; Legal professional privilege; Solicitor。n.




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