

单词 Affirmative defence
释义 抗辯主張
A defence in respect of which the defendant has onus of proof on the balance of probabilities, for example, when the accused raises the defence of insanity, diminished responsibility or martial coercion: Lam Kwong Choi v R [1959] HKLR 252 (FC). See also Balance of probabilities; Burden of proof; Defence; Insanity.
就被告人對相對可能性的衡量負有舉證責任進行抗辯,例如,當被控人提出精神錯亂抗辯、減責神志失常或武力威迫:Lam Kwong Choi v R [1959] HKLR 252(全體法院)。另見 Balance of probabilities; Burden of proof; Defence; Insanity。




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