

单词 Affairs
释义 事務
In corporations law, the activities, business, or concerns of a corporation. The ‘affairs of a body corporate’ include matters such as promotion, formation, membership, control, business, trading transactions, dealings, properties, liabilities, profits, receipts, losses, outgoings, and expenses of a company. It also encompasses the internal management of the company. Generally the expression has been given a wide interpretation. See also Attestation; Formalities; Signature.
在法團法上,法團的活動、業務或事業。「法人團體事務」包括創立公司、成立公司、徵集成員、控制、業務、買賣交易、業務往來、財產、負債、利潤、收入、損失、支出及費用,亦涉及公司內部管理。一般而言,含義相當廣泛。另見 Attestation; Formalities; Signature。n.




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