

单词 Acceptance or payment for honour supra protest
释义 就已拒付匯票而作出參加承兌或參加付款
The intervention and undertaking by a person (not already liable on a bill of exchange) to accept or pay the bill protested for dishonour after the protest (supra protest); the intervention being for the honour of a party liable on the bill, or the person for whose account the bill is drawn: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 65. See also Acceptance; Bill of exchange; Dishonour; Notarial act of honour; Referee in case of need.
一個人(還未負上有關匯票的法律責任)介入並承擔於拒付證明後(supra protest),就因不兌現而拒付的匯票作出承兌或付款;該人為了負有有關匯票的法律責任的一方,或以自己帳戶出票的一方的信譽而介入:《匯票條例》(第19章)第65條。另見 Acceptance; Bill of exchange; Dishonour; Notarial act of honour; Referee in case of need。




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