

单词 Accession
释义 財產的增附/加盟
Lat – accessio – increase. Generally, addition or increase.
Bailment - A principle is derived from Roman law, embracing two distinct situations: first, accession by natural increase, and second, accession by the combination of two chattels belonging to two different persons into a single article: Guest A G ‘Accession and Confusion in the Law of Hire-purchase’ (1964) 27 Modern Law Review 505 at 506. It entitles an owner of a chattel to any improvement of the chattel which cannot be physically detached without destruction or serious injury to the whole so formed, but the person who made the improvements may be awarded compensation, particularly if the owner freely accepted the improvement being made: Thomas v Robinson [1977] 1 NZLR 385; McKeown v Cavalier Yachts Pty Ltd (1988) 13 NSWLR 303. See also Accession; Accretion; Appropriation; Confusion.
Foreign relations - The unconditional formal acceptance of a treaty by a state that did not take part in negotiating and signing the concluded treaty. Accession is only available if it has been provided for in the treaty, or if the consent of all the original parties to the treaty is obtained. Formal acceptance of accession is established when the acceding state deposits or exchanges the instrument of accession. Examples of some important treaties that expressly provide for accession related to Hong Kong are, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1966, the International Covenant on Economic, Cultural and Social Rights 1966, the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980 and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. See also Accede.
拉丁語 – accessio - 增加。一般來說,新增或增加。
委託保管 - 由羅馬法衍生而來的一項原則,涵蓋兩個不同層面:首先,自然增加;其次,結合兩件屬於不同人士的財產為單一物件的增加:Guest A G ‘Accession and Confusion in the Law of Hire-purchase’ (1964) 27 Modern Law Review 505 第506頁。如分開增值部分會毀滅財產整體或對其造成嚴重損害,則財產擁有人可以享有該財產的任何增值部分,但對該財產作出增值的人可得到補償,特別在擁有人自由地接受該增值部分:Thomas v Robinson [1977] 1 NZLR 385;McKewon v Cavaliar Yachts Pty Ltd (1988) 13 NSWLR 303。另見 Accession; Accretion; Appropriation; Confusion。
外交 -   未有參予商議及簽訂某一條約的國家無條件地正式接納該條約。只有在條約本身有訂明,或在取得所有原本協約國的同意的情況下才可有加盟。在加盟國存放或交換加盟文書時,便算正式接受加盟。與香港有關及明確訂明加盟的重要條約有:《1966年公民及政治權利國際公約》、《1966年經濟、文化及社會權利國際公約》、《1980年國際拐騙兒童民事海牙公約》及《1989年聯合國兒童權利公約》。另見 Accede。n.




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