

单词 Pre-natal injury
释义 出生前的傷害
Injury to a child in the womb. If the child is born alive, but subsequently dies of pre-natal injuries, the person who inflicted the injuries may be convicted of homicide: R v West (1848) 2 Car & Kitt 784, 2 Cox CC 500 (CCR). A child who is born alive but disabled has now, in certain occurrences, a cause of action for damages in respect of his disabilities as if they were personal injuries suffered by him after birth: Law Amendment and Reform (Consolidation) Ordinance (Cap 23) s 22B(1). If the child is injured due to the negligent act of its mother, it may, after it is born, take action against her: Watt v Rama [1972] VR 353. However, no claim can be brought by a child for negligence in failing to prevent its birth given the disabilities it was known to be likely to suffer: McKay v Essex Area Health Authority [1982] QB 1166, 2 All ER 771 (CA). See also Wrongful life.
在懷孕時對兒童造成的傷害。如兒童是活產但其後因出生前的傷害而死亡, 引起其傷害的人可被判犯殺人罪: R v West (1848) 2 Car & Kitt 784, 2 Cox CC 500 (形事法院)。如兒童是活產但傷殘,現於某些情況下可就其傷殘有訴訟理由索取賠償, 一如其出生後所蒙受的個人傷害:《法律修訂及改革(綜合)條例》(第23章) 第22B(1)條。如兒童是因為母親的疏忽行為而受傷,兒童可在其出生後起訴母親: Watt v Rama [1972] VR 353。如知道兒童相當有可能患有該殘疾,但因疏忽沒有阻止兒童的出生,兒童則不得就此作出訴訟: McKay v Essex Area Health Authority [1982] QB 1166, 2 All ER 771(英國上訴法院)。另見 Wrongful life。




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