

单词 Presentment for acceptance
释义 提示要求承兌 
Presentment of a bill of exchange by or on behalf of the holder to the drawee, or to some person authorised to accept or refuse acceptance on his behalf, at a reasonable hour on a business day and before the bill is overdue: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 41(1)(a). A bill needs to be presented for acceptance when it is payable after sight, expressly stipulates such, or is drawn payable elsewhere than at the place of business or residence of the drawee: s 39(1), (2). Where the drawee is dead or bankrupt, or is a fictitious person or a person not having capacity to contract by bill; or where, after the exercise of reasonable diligence, such presentment cannot be effected, presentment for acceptance may then be excused: s 41(2). See also Bill of exchange; Dishonour by non-acceptance; Drawee; Holder; Presentment; Presentment for payment.
在匯票尚未逾期之前任何營業日的合理時間,由持有人或其代表,向受票人出示匯票,或向獲授權代受票人作出承兌或拒絕承兌的人出示匯票:《匯票條例》(第19章)第41(1)(a)條。如見匯票後應付款,需出示匯票作承兌,在匯票上明文規定,或在出票時書明可在受票人營業地或居住地以外的地方付款:第39(1),(2)條。如受票人死亡或破產或是虛構的人或沒有資格憑匯票訂立合約;或在作出合理努力後,仍不能有效地作出上述的出示,可免出示要求承兌:第41(2)條。另見 Bill of exchange; Dishonour by non-acceptance; Drawee; Holder; Presentment; Presentment for payment。




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