

单词 Economic torts
释义 經濟侵權
Torts dealing with the occasioning of harm by the intentional interference with another’s economic interests. Economic torts include: action for loss of services, action on the case for damages being the inevitable consequence of an unlawful act; conspiracy; deceit; injurious falsehood; interference with contractual relations; intimidation; and passing off. The time limit for actions in negligence for latent damage for the plaintiff or any other person in whom the cause of action was vested is six years from the date on which the cause of action accrued; or three years from the date of knowledge, whichever is the longer: Limitations Ordinance (Cap 347) s 31; Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 25, Tort [380.085]. See also Conspiracy; Deceit; Injurious falsehood; Interference with contractual relations; Intimidation; Passing off.
處置因蓄意侵擾另一人的經濟權益而導致的傷害的侵權法。經濟侵權包括:損失服務的訴訟、就非法行為導致無可避免的後果而提出申索損害賠償的訴訟;串謀;欺騙;具傷害性的虛假;侵擾合約上的關係; 恐嚇;以及假冒。就疏忽的潛在損害而要求對原告或任何其他獲歸屬訴訟因由的人作出損害賠償的訴訟時限,是由訴訟因由產生的日期起計六年;或由知悉日期起計三年(兩者以較長者為準):《時效條例》(第347章)第 31條; Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第25冊,侵權,第[380.085]段。另見 Conspiracy; Deceit; Injurious falsehood; Interference with contractual relations; Intimidation; Passing off。




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