

单词 Presence
释义 在場
The attendance, appearance, or existence of a person at a particular place at an identified time. Constructive presence may be inferred when a person is not present at a place but is close enough to or actively cooperative with someone actually at that place: Kwan Kwok Hing v R [1977] HKLR 159. In complicity of crime, presence may be some evidence from which encouragement and the relevant mens rea might be inferred: R v Chu Hak Kim (CACC 95/85, unreported). Physical presence within the jurisdiction when a writ is served grounds jurisdiction in personam: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 10 r 1(2). See also Action in personam.
一個人在辯識的時間於特定的地方到場,出現或存在。如一個人沒有在一處地方出現,但與實際上在該處地方的人非常接近或活躍地協作,推定在場成立: R v Kwan Kwok Hing [1977] HKLR 159。在串謀罪行,在場可能是一些推定有慫恿和有關犯罪意圖的證據: R v Chu Hak Kim(刑事上訴1985年第95號,未經彙報)。在令狀送達後於司法管轄權範圍內的親身到場產生對人的司法權:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第10號命令第1(2)規則。另見 Action in personam。n.




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