

单词 Acceptance of service
释义 接受送達
Where a defendant’s solicitor indorses on the writ a statement that he accepts service of the writ on behalf of that defendant, the writ shall be deemed to have been duly served on that defendant and to have been so served on the date on which the indorsement was made: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 10 r 1(4). Generally, acceptance of service does not constitute a notice of intention to defend. So solicitors accepting service should file the acknowledgement of service stating defendants’ intention to defend at the same time: White Book 1999, para 10/1/10. See also Indorsement of service.
凡被告人的律師在令狀上註明一項陳述,表明他代被告人接受令狀的送達,令狀須當作已妥為送達被告人並已在作出註明的日期送達:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第10號命令第 1(4)條規則。一般地,接受送達並不構成一份擬抗辯通知書。因此,接受送達的律師應提交送達認收書,並同時列明被告人的抗辯意向:White Book 1999, para 10/1/10。另見 Indorsement of service。




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