

单词 Access
释义 取得/探視
Lat – accessus – a coming to; an approach to. 1. The privilege or power of approach, admission, or entrance. 2. The act of coming into contact with. 3. The means of approach or admittance.
Family Law - Either parent, whether married or not, of a minor could apply to the court for an order regarding the right of access to the minor having regard to the welfare of the minors and to the conduct and wishes of the parents: Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Cap 13) s 10(1)(b). In any proceeding in relation to the custody and upbringing of a minor, the welfare of the minor shall be the first and paramount consideration of the court: Guardianship of Minors Ordinance (Cap 13) s 3. The usual order on access would be reasonable access without defining how the access take place or define access as staying access with a parent on certain dates at certain places. See also Residence.
Practice and procedure - A power to inspect, remove, or copy documents. Any solicitor who allows journalist access to documents shall be guilty of contempt: Home Office v Harman [1982] 1 All ER 532, [1983] 1 AC 280 (HL); Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 5, Civil Procedure [90.5076]. See also Production and inspection.
Real property - Freedom of entrance or admittance to a piece of land as of right. The right of access may be characterised as a right to pass over a piece of land namely an easement, be such easement a right of way for all purposes or for a particular purpose: Wisename Ltd v S-J [1998] 1 HKLRD 71 (CA); or be such easement a right of passage of light or air: Foo Kam Shing, Foo Ko Shi & Lee Pak Hung (the Executors and Executrix and Trustees of the Estate of Foo Sik, dec’d) v the Local Printing Press, Ltd [1953] HKLR 201. See also Easement; Licence; Right of access.
拉丁語 – accessus - 到達;接近。1. 接近、納入或進入的特權或權力。2. 接觸的行為。3. 接近或納入的方法。
家庭法 - 未成年人的父母其中一方,不論是否已婚,可就探視未成年人的權利並顧及未成年人的福利及父母雙方的意願向法庭提出申請:《未成年人監護條例》(第13章)第10(1)(b)條。在任何有關未成年人的管養及教養問題的法律程序中,法院須以未成年人的福利為首要及最重要考慮事項:《未成年人監護條例》(第13章)第3條。探視權的一般命令為合理探視權,但不明確規定探視方式或界定探視為與父母其中一方於某日某地方留宿。另見 Residence。
實務及程序 - 檢視、取走或覆印文件的權力。任何容許新聞工作者接觸文件的律師都會觸犯蔑視法庭罪:Home Office v Harman [1983] 1 AC 280, [1982] 1 All ER 532(上議院);Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第5冊,民事訴訟程序,第[90.5076]段。另見 Production and inspection。
土地財產 -   因本身權利可以進出一塊土地的自由。進出權可被理解為經過一塊土地的權利即地役權,不論該地役權是為任何目的或僅為某一目的:Wisename Ltd v S-J [1998] 1 HKLRD 71(上訴法院);或該地役權是光或空氣的流通權:Foo Kam Shing, Foo Ko Shi & Lee Pak Hung (the Executors and Executrix and Trustees of the Estate of Foo Sik, dec’d) v the Local Printing Press, Ltd [1953] HKLR 201。另見 Easement; Licence; Right of access。n.




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