

单词 Absolute privilege
释义 絕對特許權
A privilege arising where communication is so highly valued that statements made in the course of it are granted complete immunity from an action in defamation. A complete defence to proceedings for defamation, that is to say, irrespective of whether or not the defendant was actuated by malice. Statements to which an absolute privilege attaches include: (a) those made in the course of judicial proceedings; (b) those made in the course of other proceedings of a judicial nature: Li Ngan Shui Brumen v Official Receiver [1995] 1 HKC 133 (CA). The Official Receiver as trustee in bankruptcy was held to be an officer of the court and entitled to absolute privilege; (c) a fair, accurate and contemporaneous report in any newspaper or broadcast of proceedings publicly heard before a court: Defamation Ordinance (Cap 21) s 13(1); (d) those made in the Legislative Council or a committee of the Council: Legislative Council (Powers and Privileges) Ordinance (Cap 382) ss 4, 8A, 14; (e) a report of the Legislative Council printed by the order of the Council or an authenticated copy thereof: Defamation Ordinance (Cap 21) ss 10, 11. See also Ancillary privilege; Defamation; Privileged communication; Qualified privilege.
通訊內容極為重要,令該通訊的言詞具有特許權,在誹謗案件中有絕對不受訴訟的權利。即是說,不論答辯人是否具有惡意,這是誹謗訴訟中的充份辯護理由。具有絕對特許權的言詞包括如下:(a)在司法程序中發表的言詞;(b)在其他具有司法性質的程序中發表的言詞:Li Ngan Shui Brumen v Official Reciver [1995] 1 HKC 133(上訴法院)。法庭判定破產管理署署長如果身份是破產管理人,就是法院人員,因而享有絕對特許權;(c)在法庭公開的聆訊中,報刊或傳媒所作的公正、準確及即時的報導(《誹謗條例》(第21章)第13(1)條);(d)在立法會或立法會委員會所發表的言詞(《立法會(權力及特權)條例》(第382條)第4, 8A及14條);(e)根據立法會命令而印行的立法會會議記錄 (《誹謗條例》(第21章)第10及11條)。另見 Ancillary privilege; Defamation; Privileged communication; Qualified privilege。




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