

单词 Penalty notice
释义 罰款通知書
A notice under a statutory scheme for enforcing and punishing breaches of minor offences without commencing court proceedings. If a public officer has reason to believe that a person is committing or has committed an offence set out in the Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Ordinance (Cap 570) sch 1 he may give the person a notice in the prescribed form offering him an opportunity to discharge his liability to conviction for that offence by payment of the fixed penalty for that offence: Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Ordinance (Cap 570) s 3(1). Such a notice must be served on a person personally: s 3(2). See also Penal; Punishment.
根據一個法定計劃發出的一種通知書,該計畫旨在強制執行與懲罰輕微的違法行為而無須展開司法程式。公職人員如有理由相信某人正在或已經觸犯《定額罰款條例》(第570章)附表1所列出的某一罪項,可向該人發出訂明格式的通知書,給予該人一個解除被定罪的法律責任的機會,繳付觸犯該罪項須繳付的定額罰款:《定額罰款條例》(第 570章) 第 3(1) 條。通知書必須送達犯事人本人:第 3(2) 條。另見 Penal; Punishment。




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