

单词 Pecuniary legacy
释义 金錢遺贈
A general legacy of money and has been defined as including an annuity, a general legacy, a demonstrative legacy so far as it is not discharged out of the designated property, and any other general direction by a testator for the payment of money, including all death duties free from which any devise, bequest, or payment is made to take effect: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 27, Wills, Probate, Administration and Succession [425.754]. At common law the general rule was that, in the absence of a sufficient indication of a contrary intention, pecuniary legacies were payable out of the personal estate not specifically bequeathed: Robertson v Broadbent (1883) 8 App Cas 812 (HL). See also Legacy; Pecuniary.
一般的金錢遺贈。包括年金、一般遺贈、不是從指定財產中執行的定額遺贈,以及立遺囑人就支付金錢所作出的任何其他一般指示,包括使任何動產遺贈、不動產遺贈或其他付款生效而從遺產中減除的豁免遺產稅:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第27冊,遺囑、遺囑認證、遺產管理與繼承,第[425.754]段。普通法中的一般規則是;如無任何充分顯示立遺囑人有相反意向的憑據,金錢遺贈即可自無特別指定的非土地遺產中付出:Robertson V Broadbent [1883] 8 AC 812(上議院)。另見Executor’s year; Legacy; Pecuniary。




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