

单词 Penal action
释义 懲罰性訴訟
A suit for penalty imposed by statute as a punishment; actions for penalties, damages or sums of money, given to the party grieved: Thomson v Clanmorris (1900) 1 Ch 718. An action to recover any penalty or forfeiture, or sum by way of penalty or forfeiture, recoverable by virtue of any Ordinance may not be brought after the expiration of two years from the date on which the cause of action accrued: Limitation Ordinance (Cap 347) s 4(5). See also Information; Penal.
判處法規所訂的刑罰以作為懲罰的訟案;判給受屈的人罰金、損害賠償或款項的訴訟:Thomson v Clanmorris (1900) 1 Ch 718。為追討依據任何條例可追討的罰金或沒收款項而提起的訴訟,或以罰金或沒收款項形式追討款項的訴訟,不可在訴因產生的日期起計兩年屆滿後提呈:《時效條例》(第347章)第4(5)條。另見Common informer; Information; Penal。




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