

单词 Absolute obligation
释义 絕對責任
A promise that the promisor must perform notwithstanding some frustrating event. If performance of that obligation is impossible, the promisor must pay damages for breach of contract: Paradine v Jane (1647) Aleyn 26. A contracting party may not be released from liability in the absence of an express condition in the contract: Chitty on Contracts, Vol 1, para 1632. It was still the rule applied by the courts until Taylor v Caldwell (1863) 3 B & S 826 whereby contracting parties could be released from their further performance on ground of frustration. See also Dependent obligation; Frustrating event; Frustration.
一個要約人的允諾,就算發生令合約受挫的事故也要履行。但如果該責任不可能履行,要約人定要對違約作出賠償:Paradine v Jane (1646) Aleyn 26。如合約中沒有明確的定明,合約的一方不能免除責任:Chitty on Contracts, 第1冊,第1632段。這規則一直被法庭採用直至Taylor v Caldwell (1863) 3 B & S 826一案中合約雙方可由於合約受挫失效的關係,而免除繼續履行責任。另見 Dependent obligation; Frustrating event; Frustration。




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