

单词 Dangerous cargo
释义 危險貨物
Merchandise transported on a ship, aircraft, or by land vehicles which is of a dangerous nature: for example, explosives. It means the goods of which the shipment has been prohibited by law or if any statutory requirements as to packing or otherwise have not been complied with the Merchant Shipping (Safety) (Dangerous Goods and Marine Pollutants) Regulation (Cap 413H). In a time charterparty, the charterer is usually authorised to ship any lawful merchandise, but a proviso is often added that this must not include petroleum or other dangerous cargo. Even without such an express description the shipowner could doubtless refuse to accept merchandise which could not lawfully be shipped: Abbott’s Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen (14th Ed) 643. See also Bill of lading; Cargo; Dangerous thing.
運用船,航空器或陸上運輸工具運送具有危險性質的商品,例如炸約。危險貨物指法律禁止裝運的貨物或在包裝或其他方面上未能符合《商船(安全)(危險貨物和海洋污染物)規例》(第413H章)的規定。在定期租船合約中,租船人通常獲授權運送任何合法的商品,並常增補石油或其他危險貨物必不在權限之內的但書。即使沒有此等明確的描述,船東仍可毫無疑問地拒絕接受任何不可合法運送的商品:Abbott’s Law of Merchant Ships and Seamen (第14版) 643。另見 Bill of lading; Cargo; Dangerous thing。




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