

单词 Disclosure
释义 披露
Making available information to the public in general or to limited classes of people.
Administrative law - The principle of procedural fairness requires that evidence placed before a decision maker by one party must be disclosed to other parties, who must be given an opportunity to oppose it: Kanda v Government of Malaya [1962] AC 322, 2 WLR 1153 (PC); R v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex p Doody [1994] 1 AC 531; Singh & Ors v Secretary for Security & Anor (1996) 6 HKPLR 440; Nwabueze v General Medical Council [2000] 1 WLR 1760. An administrator who receives an adverse allegation from a source other than the applicant must afford the applicant the opportunity to controvert the allegation: Chan Tak Shing v Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR [1999] 2 HKLRD 389. See also Procedural fairness.
Agency - Disclosure requires the agent to reveal both the nature and the extent of the conflicting interest or profit-making opportunity. An agent is a fiduciary and therefore must not enter into any transaction involving a conflict of interest before having fully disclosed any interest in the transaction to the principal: New Zealand Netherlands Society ‘Oranje’ Inc v Kuys [1973] 1 WLR 1126 (PC); Demerara Bauxite Co v Hubbard [1923] AC 673 (PC). See also Confidence; Conflict of interest; Fiduciary; Non-disclosure.
Corporations - An act of imparting that which is secret or not commonly known, particularly the revelation of facts which are relevant to the person to whom the declaration is made. A director of a company who is in any way interested in a contract with the company must disclose the nature of the interest: Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) s 162. However, the disclosure does not prejudice the operation of any other rule of law which restricts a company’s directors from having any interest in contracts with the company: s 162(5); Man Luen Corp v Sun King Electronic Printed Circuit Board Factory Ltd [1981] HKC 407 (HC). It is the duty of the director or secretary to make disclosure of such matters relating to himself as may be necessary for keeping the register of directors and secretary: s 158B. If a company carries on business outside Hong Kong and the directors consider that disclosure of its holding company would be harmful to the business of the holding company or the subsidiary, and if the Financial Secretary agrees, the information need not be disclosed: s 129A. See also Conflict rule; Directors’ duties; Profit rule.
Employee - The duty on an employee to disclose to the employer matters within the employee’s knowledge which affect the confidential interests of the employer; or the employee’s own misconduct which has been fraudulently concealed; or the misconduct of other employees: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 10(2), Employment Law [145.040]. An employee may not make secret profits, and failure to disclose interests in a contract may result in the employee being liable to account for the profits: ibid [145.040]. An employee is under no duty to disclose certain previous convictions, and failure to disclose is not grounds for dismissal: Rehabilitation of Offenders Ordinance (Cap 297) s 2(1); Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 10(2), Employment law, [145.040]. See also Duty of faithful service; Duty of obedience.
Equity - The principle in which a person in a fiduciary position has a duty to make full and frank disclosure of all relevant matters including personal interest in respect of a transaction concerned. By virtue of their positions, trustees, personal representatives, company directors and agents are under duty of full disclosure. Real estate agents in Hong Kong, although referred to as ‘incomplete agent’, are also under the fiduciary duty of full disclosure: Happyface Ltd v Lau Shui King (t/a Fu King Property Agency) [1999] 3 HKLD 13.
Insurance - The duty imposed on the insured and the insurer to an insurance policy to disclose all facts during the preliminary negotiations leading to the formation or renewal of insurance policy: Carter v Boehm (1766) 3 Burr 1905, 97 ER 1162. The insured must reveal matters that are known to him or her or are material to have a decisive effect on the judgment of a prudent underwriter: Pan Atlantic Insurance Co Ltd v Pine Top Insurance Co Ltd [1994] 3 All ER 581, [1995] 1 AC 501 (HL). The insured needs not disclose facts that the insurer knows or which are of common knowledge or is waived by the insurer: Carter v Boehm, supra. See also Materiality; Uberrimae fidei.
行政法 -   程序上的公平原則規定一方向決策人呈報的證據,必須向另一方披露,而該另一方必須獲給予作出抗辯的機會:Kanda v Government of Malaya [1962] AC 322, 2 WLR 1153 (樞密院);R v Secretary of State for the Home Department ex p Doody [1994] 1 AC 531;Singh & Ors v Secretary for Security & Anor (1996) 6 HKPLR 440;Nwabueze v General Medical Council [2000] 1 WLR 1760。如管理人從申請人以外的來源收到不利的指稱,則他或她必須給予申請人駁斥有關指斥的機會:Chan Tak Shing v Chief Executive of the Hong Kong SAR [1999] 2 HKLRD 389。另見 Procedural fairness。
代理 -   披露要求代理人公開利益衝突或盈利機會的性質及程度。由於代理人是受信人,因此在向委託人完全披露有關交易的任何利益前,不得進行牽涉利益衝突的交易:New Zealand Netherlands Society ‘Oranje’ Inc v Kuys [1973] 1 WLR 1126 (樞密院); Demerara Bauxite Co v Hubbard [1923] AC 673 (樞密院)。另見 Confidence; Conflict of interest; Fiduciary; Non-disclosure。
法團 - 告知秘密或不為眾所周的內容的行為,特別是揭露與聲明所指的人相關的事實。公司的董事如以任何方式在一項與公司訂立的合約中有利害關係,須聲明其利害關係的性質:《公司條例》(第32章)第162條。但披露不得對限制公司董事在與公司訂立的合約中有任何利害關係的法律規則的施行有所損害:第162(5)條;Man Luen Corp v Sun King Electronic Printed Circuit Board Factory Ltd [1981] HKC 407 (上訴法庭)。公司的任何董事或秘書均有責任披露與其本人有關,並就董事及秘書登記冊而乃屬必需的事宜:第158B條。如一間公司在香港以外經營業務,而其董事認為控股公司的資料披露,會對該控股公司或附屬公司的業務不利,而財政司司長亦同意,則該等資料無須予以披露:第129A條。另見 Conflict rule; Directors’ duties; Profit rule。
僱員 - 指僱員有責任向其僱主披露他/她所知會影響其僱主保密權益的事宜;或披露有關僱員藉欺詐手段隱藏其本人的不當行為;或披露其他僱員之不當行為:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第10(2)冊,僱傭,第[145.040]段。僱員不可賺取秘密利潤,而未有披露合約利益,可導致該名僱員負上解釋該筆利潤的法律責任:見上文第 [145.040]段。僱員不必披露若干以往的定罪紀錄,而沒有作出披露不能成為撤職的理由:《罪犯自新條例》(第297章)第2(1)條;Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第10(2)冊,僱傭,第[145.040]。另見 Duty of faithful service; Duty of obedience。
衡平法 - 處於受信地位的人負有充分而坦白地披露一切有關事項(包括在有關交易中的個人權益)的責任。受託人、遺產代理人、公司董事和代理人憑藉其職位而負有充分披露的義務。儘管香港的地產代理稱為「不完整的代理」,但亦負有充分披露的受信責任:Happyface Ltd v Lau Shui King (t/a Fu King Property Agency) [1999] 3 HKLD 13。
保險 - 保單的受保人和保險人在初步商議時有責任披露一切致使訂立保單或續保的事實:Carter v Boehm (1766) 3 Burr 1905, 97 ER 1162。受保人須公開他/她知悉的事項或就審慎的承保人的判決而言,公開屬於具有取定性影響的資料:Pan Atlantic Insurance Co Ltd v Pine Top Insurance Co Ltd [1994] 3 All ER 581, [1995] 1 AC 501(上議院)。受保人無須披露保險人知悉的事實、屬於常識的事實或保證人已寬免的事實:Carter v Boehm, 見上文。另見重要性;完全真誠坦率。n.




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