

单词 Discount a bill
释义 貼現匯票
The holder of a post-dated bill sold his right therein to a third party for a lesser sum, the difference between the face value and the premium paid by the purchaser is the discount. The discount is usually linked to market condition, the time left to run to maturity and any risk of non-payment. In some cases, the holder is required to give the purchaser his own guarantee that if the bill is dishonoured he will compensate the purchaser. See also Bill of exchange.
未到期匯票持有人以較低款項將其在匯票上的權利售予第三方,而票面值和買主所付費用之間的差額即貼現。貼現通常和市場情況、至到期日的時間和不被償付的風險相關。在若干情況下,持有人須為買主提供保證,即保證在匯票不兌現時他/她會賠償予買主。另見 Bill of exchange。




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