

单词 Discovery before suit
释义 訴訟前的透露
An order for discovery before the commencement of proceedings in order to discover whether a person is likely to be a party in the subsequent proceedings in which a claim in respect of personal injuries or death is likely to be made. Discovery before the commencement of proceedings will only be granted if four conditions are satisfied: (1) the applicant appears likely to be a party to subsequent proceedings in the High Court; (2) a claim in respect of personal injuries to a person or in respect of a person’s death is likely to be made; (3) the person against whom the order is sought is likely to be a party to such proceedings; (4) that such person appears to be likely to have or to have had in his possession, custody or power any relevant documents: Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2001 para 24/7A/3. See also Discovery; List of documents; Preliminary discovery.
指在法律程序展開前,用以弄清某人是否相當可能在日後的法律程序(相當可能會在等此程序就人身傷害或死亡提出申索)中成為案中一方的透露命令。僅在符合下列四項條件的情況下,法院才會在法律程序展開前授予此等命令:(1) 申請人看來相當可能會在高等法院日後的法律程序成為案中一方;(2) 相當可能會就對某人造成的人身傷害或死亡提出申索;(3) 該命令所針對的人相當可能會是此等法律程序的一方;(4) 該人看似相當可能現正或曾經管有、保管或控制任何有關文件:Hong Kong Civil Procedure 2001 第24/7A/3段。另見 Discovery; List of documents; Preliminary discovery。




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