

单词 Discovery
释义 文件透露
A pre-trial procedure where a party to proceedings makes available for inspection all relevant documents to the other party. Although all relevant documents must be disclosed, not all require production. Generally, once pleadings are closed between parties, each party is required to exchange a list of documents which are or have been in his possession, custody, or power relating to any matter in question between them in action within 14 days of the close of pleadings: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 24 r 2. A party obtaining discovery impliedly undertakes to the court that the documents obtained will not be used for any collateral or ulterior purpose: Distillers Co (Bio-chemical) Ltd v Times Newspapers Ltd [1975] 1 All ER 41, QB 613. This implied undertaking extends to discovery under The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 24 r 10: Shun Kai Finance Co Ltd & Ors v Japan Leasing (HK) Ltd (In Liq) [2000] 2 HKC 232. See also Affidavit; Document; List of documents; Litigation; Production and inspection; Subpoena.
指法律程序中的一方交出所有有關文件以供另一方查閱的審訊前的程序。儘管必須披露所有有關文件,但無須交出所有有關文件以供查閱。概括而言,一旦各方之間的狀書提交期結束,則各方必須在他與任何另一方之間在該宗訴訟中的狀書提交期被當作結束後的14天內,擬備一份文件清單,而有關文件是他現正或曾經管有、保管或控制,且是關於該宗訴訟中他們之間的任何有關事宜的:《高等法院條例》(第4A章)第24號命令第2條規則。獲文件透露的一方隱含向法庭承諾,不會將獲得的文件作其他或特定界限以外的用途:Distillers Co (Bio-chemical) Ltd v Times Newspapers Ltd [1975] 1 All ER 41,QB 613。此等隱含承諾的適用範圍擴及根據《高等法院條例》(第4A章)第24號命令第10條規則所作的文件透露:Shun Kai Finance Co Ltd & Ors v Japan Leasing (HK) Ltd (In Liq) [2000] 2 HKC 232。另見 Affidavit; Document; List of documents; Litigation; Production and inspection; Subpoena。n.




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