

单词 Usual route
释义 慣常路線
The ordinary trade route that, unless otherwise specified, is the proper course to be followed under a voyage charterparty. A usual route is not necessarily the shortest and most direct geographical route. There may be either alternative routes or a customary route, which in either case might displace the geographical route. A usual commercial route must be reasonable under the circumstances: Frenkel v MacAndrews & Co Ltd [1929] 33 Ll L Rep 191 (HL). The voyage between two ports must be understood in a commercial sense: Glynn v Margetson & Co [1893] AC 351 (HL). There are in general various considerations, commercial and navigational, which determine which sea route is usual and reasonable. It is the duty of a ship to take the usual route between two ports. If no evidence is given, that route is presumed to be the direct geographical route, but it may be modified in many cases for navigational or other reasons, and evidence may always be given to show what the usual route is, unless a specific route is prescribed by the charterparty or bill of lading: Reardon Smith Line Ltd v Black Sea & Baltic General Insurance Co Ltd [1939] AC 562, 64 Ll L Rep 229. A route which is usual to a particular line may not be required to be adopted as such by the vessels belonging to other lines or other individuals: Reardon Smith Line Ltd v Black Sea & Baltic General Insurance Co Ltd, supra. Deviation from the usual route may be justified where the safety of the ship and crew is at risk, for example, where the ship is unseaworthy: J & E Kish v Charles Taylor; Sons and Co [1912] AC 604. See also Deviation; Voyage charterparty.
除另有條文訂明外,根據航程租船合約,一般貿易路線屬適當航線沿著航行。慣常路線不必是最短及最直接的地理路線。可能有另一路線或一條合乎慣例的路線。慣常的商業路線按照情況必須是合理的:Frenkel v MacAndrews & Co Ltd [1929] 33 Ll L Rep 191(上議院)。兩個港口之間的航程在商業方面必須是明瞭所指:Glynn v Margetson & Co [1893] AC 351(上議院)。普遍有不同的商業的及航海的考慮因素,以決定哪一條航海路線屬慣常及合理的。船舶有責任於兩個港口之間選擇慣常路線。若無作出證供,會推定該路線為直接的地理路線,但由於航海或其他理由,於眾多案件該路線可予以修改,及總可提出證據證明何謂慣常路線,除非租船合約或提單訂明某特定路線:Reardon Smith Line Ltd v Black Sea & Baltic General Insurance Co Ltd [1939] AC 562, 64 Ll L Rep 229。某路線對某航線而言屬慣常的,屬其他航線或其他個別人士的船隻可不需採取該路線:Reardon Smith Line Ltd v Black Sea & Baltic General Insurance Co Ltd, 見上文。凡船舶及船員的安全遇到危險,舉例說,凡該船舶不適航,則有充分理由支持偏離慣常路線:J & E Kish v Charles Taylor; Sons and Co [1912] AC 604。另見 Deviation; Voyage charterparty。




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