

单词 Cocaine
释义 可卡因
A drug which may be obtained from the leaves of the coca plant or manufactured synthetically; methyl-benzoyl laevo-ecgonine with the formula C17H21NO4. A generic word which includes which its ambit both the direct extracts of the coca leaf (being the natural form of cocaine) and also any products resulting from the application of a chemical process to the natural form: R v Greensmith [1983] 3 All ER 444. ‘Coca leaves’ means the leaves of any plant of the genus of the erythroxylaceae from which cocaine can be extracted, either directly or by chemical transformation: Dangerous Drugs Ordinance (Cap 134) s 2(1). Cocaine is classified as a dangerous drug in Hong Kong: sch 1. Possession and use of the cocaine is illegal in Hong Kong: s 8. See also Drug.
一種可由古柯植物的葉子取得或可由人工製造的藥物;化學學名是:甲基-苯先 左旋-芽子鹼, 而化學分子式是C17H21NO4。它是一個屬類詞,而包括在其中的有古柯葉(即可卡因的天然形式)直接取得的提煉物,以及用化學程序處理天然可卡因時得出的製成品:R v Greensmith [1983] 3 All ER 444。「古柯葉」指古柯樹科屬植物的葉,可從中直接或經化學變化提煉可卡因:《危險藥物條例》(第134章)第2(1)條。在香港,可卡因歸屬為危險藥物的一類:附表1 . 在香港管有和使用可卡因都是違法的行為:《危險藥物條例》(第134章)第8條。另見 Drug。n.




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