

单词 Usual meaning rule
释义 一般涵義規則
The rule of construction of wills that a word or phrase contained in a will be given its ordinary or natural grammatical meaning unless there are indications that the testator used that word or phrase in a different sense to the ordinary meaning or unless a secondary meaning makes more sense than the ordinary meaning in light of surrounding circumstances: Allgood v Blake (1873) LR 8 Exch 160. The court, whose task is to discover the settlor’s intention, starts by applying the usual canons of construction; words must be given their usual meaning, the clause should be read literally and in accordance with the ordinary rules of grammar. However, if such fundamental canons of construction fails, it is then the duty of the court by the exercise of its judicial knowledge and experience in the relevant matter, innate common sense and desire to make sense of the settlors or parties’ expressed intentions, however obscure and ambiguous the language that may have been used, to give a reasonable meaning to that language if it can do so without doing complete violence to it: Whishaw v Stephens [1970] AC 508. So far as possible, the court must give the natural meaning to the words the testator has used and construe the document as a whole; only in case of ambiguity can the court have regard to the possible consequences of adopting a particular construction: Fok Shin Yee Cynthia & Ors v Wong Kimball & Ors [1986] 1 HKC 175. If the meaning of a word or phrase has changed over time, the ordinary meaning is to be ascertained at the time the will is made: Perrin v Morgan [1943] AC 399. Also known as the ‘literal rule’.
解釋遺囑的一項規則,指出遺囑內載有的字或詞組會予以一般或合乎正常語法的解釋,除非有顯示立遺囑人使用該字或詞組時,是有一般涵義以外的意思,或鑒於周圍情況第二個涵義比一般涵義更合情理:Allgood v Blake (1873) LR 8 Exch 160。法庭的任務是查明財產授予人的意願,首先引用一般的解釋準則;每個字必須予以其一般的涵義,條款應照字面及根據文法的一般規則解釋。然而,若該等基礎的解釋準則無助於解釋該意願,法庭則有責任藉行使對相關事項的司法知識及經驗、固有的常識及使財產授予人或各方示明的意願合情理的意欲,無論可曾用過的言語有多含糊及不明確,對該言語予以合理解釋而沒有完全違背意思:Whishaw v Stephens [1970] AC 508。法庭必須儘可能對立遺囑人使用過的每個字予以一般的涵義,及對整份文件作出詮釋;僅在有不明確之處的情況下,法庭方可顧及採用某特定釋義方  法可能的後果:Fok Shin Yee Cynthia & Ors v Wong Kimball & Ors [1986] 1 HKC 175。若某字或詞的意思隨時間改變,其一般意思會根據訂立遺囑時的意思確定:Perrin v Morgan [1943] AC 399。另稱「按字面詮釋」。




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