

单词 Object
释义 饋贈對象
In succession law, a beneficiary of a trust or class gift disposed in a will or a person selected from a general or specified class to take an interest in property under a power of appointment. The objects or persons to be benefited by a trust must be expressly designated: Re Hetley, Hetley v Hetley [1902] 2 Ch 866. See also Beneficiary; Class gift; Trust.
就繼承法而言,信託受益人,或遺囑處置的類別饋贈受益人,或通過指定受益權而從一般或指明類別中被選出接受財產者。就信託受益的對象或人士必須明示指定:Re Hetley, Hetley v Hetley [1902] 2 Ch 866。另見 Beneficiary; Class gift; Trust。n.




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