

单词 Unlawful and dangerous act
释义 違法及危險的作為
An act that offends against the criminal law and carries with it an appreciable risk of serious injury to another person. Situations of unlawful and dangerous acts which cause the death of another and which are manslaughter include: (1) using a knife or other dangerous object to frighten the victim (Gray v Barr [1971] 2 QB 554, 2 All ER 949 (CA)); (2) a killing as a result of an unlawful abortion (R v Creamer [1966] 1 QB 72, [1965] 3 All ER 257 (CCA)); (3) exposing the victim to harm or neglecting the victim where the person is, in law, responsible for the victim (such as a parent for a child) or where the person has assumed responsibility for the care of the victim (R v Stone, R v Dobinson [1977] QB 354, 2 All ER 341 (CA)); (4) exposing the victim to dangerous substances such as drugs (R v Cato [1976] 1 All ER 260, 1 WLR 110 (CA)); (5) driving dangerously or while intoxicated (R v Constable [1936] 3 DLR 391). In relation to the mens rea for manslaughter by unlawful and dangerous act, it is not necessary to prove that the accused knew the act was unlawful or dangerous and the issue is not whether the accused recognised the danger, but whether sober and reasonable people would inevitably recognise that the act would cause danger. A person will be criminally liable for manslaughter for a death that is the direct result of an unlawful and dangerous act even though the act was not aimed at the deceased: R v Mitchell [1983] QB 741, 2 All ER 427 (CA). See also Involuntary manslaughter; Manslaughter; Unlawful act.
違反有關刑法及帶有相當可能的危險而導致另一人嚴重損傷的作為。導致另一人死亡並屬於誤殺的違法及危險的作為的情況包括:(1) 使用刀或其他危險物品驚嚇受害者(Gray v Barr [1971] 2 QB 554, 2 All ER 949(芵國上訴法院));(2) 因非法墮胎而導致的殺人(R v Creamer [1966] 1 QB 72, [1965] 3 All ER 257(刑事上訴法院));(3)有關人士在法律上對受害者負有責任(例如父母對子女的責任))或有關人士有照顧受害者的推定責任的情況下(R v Stone, R v Dobinson [1977] QB 354, 2 All ER 341 (芵國上訴法院)),使受害者蒙受傷害或疏忽照顧受害者;(4) 使受害者蒙受危險物質(如藥物)(R v Cato [1976] 1 All ER 260, 1 WLR 110(芵國上訴法院));(5) 危險駕駛或在昏醉的情形下駕駛(R v Constable [1936] 3 DLR 391)。就因違法及危險的作為導致的誤殺的犯罪意圖而言,無須證明有關的被告人知悉有關的作為是違法及危險的,此外,有關的爭論點並非有關的被告人是否確認有關的危險,而是清醒而合理的人是否會無可避免地確認有關的作為,即儘管有關的作為並非旨在有關的死者,但就違法及危險的作為直接導致的死亡而言,一人會至少有誤殺的刑事法律責任:R v Mitchell [1983] QB 741, 2 All ER 427(芵國上訴法院)。另見 Involuntary manslaughter; Manslaughter; Unlawful act。




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