

单词 Commercial list
释义 商業案件排期審訊表
The provision in the court rules of some jurisdictions for the provision of certain ‘listed’ matters to facilitate more effective case management; for example, bankruptcy matters, winding up of companies and probate. Hong Kong’s commercial list deals with causes of action arising from, inter alia, the construction of a mercantile document, the export or import of merchandise, affreightment, insurance, banking, mercantile agency and mercantile usage: The Rules of the High Court (Cap 4A) O 72 rr 2, 4; Idmiston Ltd v Asian Master Enterprises Ltd [1988] HKC 588. The rules provide for a member of the judiciary to be assigned control over a given list and procedural matters may differ from cases being handled by other judges; for example, a master has no jurisdiction to deal with interlocutory proceedings for cases on the commercial list or make interlocutory orders therein: Silver Sen Navigation Inc v Xiamen Sheng Li Economy and Trading and Development Co [1996] 4 HKC 555. Save where otherwise ordered by the Judge of the Commercial List, in actions set down in the Commercial List the following matters must be heard and otherwise dealt with by a master: applications for default judgement; applications for or pursuant to the enforcement of judgements or orders for the payment of money; assessments of damages; unopposed applications for the amendment of pleadings; unopposed applications for time extensions for the filing and service of pleadings; and unopposed applications for time extensions for the discovery of documents and compliance with interrogatories: High Court Practice Direction No SL3, Commercial List Directions.
某些司法管轄區的法院規則有規定, 要提供某些案件的排期審訊表, 以便更能有效地管理案件;例如,破產案,公司清盤案和遺囑認證。香港的商業案件排期審訊表處理的訴因,當中有源於海商文件的釋義,商品的進出口、租船運輸、保險、銀行、商業代理和商業慣例:《高等法院規則》(第4A章)第72號命令第2和第4條規則; Idmiston Ltd v Asian Master Enterprises Ltd [1988] HKC 588。《高等法院規則》規定要委派司法人員管控某給定的案件排期審訊表,而程序方面的事宜,跟其他法官所處理的案件可能有分別;例如,高等法院聆案官並沒有司法管轄權處理商業案件排期審訊表上案件的非正審程序,亦不能在該等程序中作出非正審命令: Silver Sen Navigation Inc v Xiamen Sheng Li Economy and Trading and Development Co [1996] 4 HKC 555。除非商業案件排期審訊表的法官另有命令,在商業案件排期審訊表中列出的案件中,以上的事項由聆案官聆訊,而其他的事項則由他處理;申請因欠缺行動而作出的判決書;申請或按照判案書或法庭命令申請法庭撥支款項;評估賠償額;對方不反對修訂狀書的申請;對方不反對延長限期將狀書存檔或送達的申請;對方不反對延長限期披露文件及遵從質詢的申請:《高等法院常務指引》第SL3條中的商業案件排期審訊指引。另見Commercial Division。




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