

单词 Allonge
释义 附箋
A slip of paper annexed to a negotiable instrument, when there is no room to write a further indorsement on the instrument itself. It is usual to avoid fraud by making the last writing on the bill and the first on the allonge part of the same indorsement. An indorsement written on an allonge is deemed to be written on the instrument itself: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 32(a). An allonge is part of the bill. See also Indorsement; Negotiable instrument.
當票據上沒有可供進一步書寫背書的空間時,而專門在可流轉票據上附載的紙條。為避免欺詐,通常將最後一個字寫在匯票上,而將第一個字寫在同一背書的附箋上。背書如寫在附箋上,則當作是寫在票據上:《匯票條例》(第19章)第32(a)條。附箋乃匯票的一部份。另見 Indorsement; Negotiable instrument。n.




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