

单词 Commercial contract
释义 商業合約
An agreement between two or more parties which is recognised by law and gives rise to obligations the courts may enforce and as they pertain to parties engaged in commerce, trade, mercantile pursuits. In this area of the contractual process, the importance of unwritten customs and usage cannot be underestimated despite the fact they may not necessarily be expressed as a term of the contract. This aspect of the contracting process distinguishes commercial contracts from other contracts. In banking, although not necessarily stated, a bank owes its customers an obligation of confidentiality: FDC Co Ltd v The Chase Manhattan Bank NA [1990] 1 HKLR 277 (CA). In the buying and selling of goods, there is an implied condition that the goods will be of merchantable quality: Sale of Goods Ordinance (Cap 26) s 16(2). See also Business efficacy; Contract; Implied terms.
由兩方或多方締結的,並且是法律所承認的協議。這個協議產生法庭可強制執行的責任,而這些責任是關乎締結協議各方所從事的商業,貿易和商務的。在這類合約程序中,不成文的商業習俗和慣例本身所具有的重要性切不可低估,儘管事實上這些習俗和慣例不一定有表明為有關合約的條文。商業合約有別於其他合約,就是在於締約程序這一方面。 在銀行業務上,雖然不一定必須表明,但銀行對客戶是要承擔保密責任的:FDC Co Ltd v The Chase Manhattan Bank NA [1990] 1 HKLR 277(上訴法院) 。在貨物買賣方面,有默示條件規定所買賣的貨物要有可商售品質:《貨品售賣條例》(第26章)第16(2)條。另見 Business efficacy; Contract; Implied terms。




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