

单词 Disclaimer
释义 卸責聲明
A repudiation of liability, interest, or benefit.
Contract - A term of the contract aiming at excluding or limiting a party’s liability in tort or contract. A disclaimer has to be given sufficient prominence to be effective: Control of Exemption Clause Ordinance (Cap 71) ss 7-12. Also known as ‘exemption clause’, ‘exclusion clause’, ‘exception clause’, or ‘limitation clause’. See also Exemption clause; Limitation clause.
Deeds and other instruments - A solemn and irrevocable refusal to accept a benefit under a deed or other document; an act by which the person entitled to an estate immediately and before dealing with it, renounces it: Bence v Gilpin (1868) LR 3 Ex 76. Property transferred by deed vests in the grantee at once. However, when informed of the transfer, the grantee may disclaim it: Standing v Bowring (1885) 31 Ch D 282, [1881-8] All ER Rep 702. A grant may be disclaimed by record of deed, orally or by conduct. See also Deed; Grant.
Product liability - Words or conduct that amount to an exclusion, modification, or limitation of a person’s tort-based liability owed to another person in a closely proximate relationship: Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 575, [1964] AC 465; Control of Exemption Clauses Ordinance (Cap 71).
合約 - 意圖免除或限制合約一方在侵權法或合約法上的法律責任之合約條款。須作出充分顯明的卸責聲明才可使之生效:《管制免責條款條例》(第71章)第7至12條。另稱「免責條款」、「免除條款」、「除外條款」、或「限制條款」。另見 Exemption clause; Limitation clause。
契據及其他文書 -   指鄭重而不可撤回地拒絕接受契據或其他文件項下的利益;指享有遺產之人士在緊貼處理該遺產之前或處理該遺產之前,作出放棄該遺產的行為:Bence v Gilpin (1868) LR 3 Ex 76。藉契據轉移的財產即時轉歸予承授人。但在承授人獲悉有關的轉移後,可卸棄有關的財產:Standing v Bowring (1885) 31 Ch D 282, [1881-8] All ER Rep 702。可以口頭或行為的方式藉契據紀錄卸棄授予,作出卸棄。另見 Deed; Grant。
產品法律責任 - 指相當於某人對其他人在緊密靠近的關係中,免除、修改,或限制依據侵權法而負有的法律責任的文字或行為:Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1963] 2 All ER 575, [1964] AC 465;《管制免責條款條例》(第71章)。n.




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