

单词 Quash
释义 推翻

To set aside, overthrow or annul. In criminal law, a trial court may quash an indictment where it is defective in substance or form. The Court of Appeal may quash an order or decision or make such other order (if any) as it thinks appropriate: for example Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Cap 201) s 12AB(2)(b). Where a sentence is quashed it is void from the substitution of the new sentence and not ab initio: Hancock v Prison Cmrs [1960] 1 QB 117. See also Quashed conviction; Sentence.
宣告無效、廢除或取消。《刑法》規定,主審法庭可推翻在實質或形式上有缺陷的公訴書。上訴法庭可推翻一項命令或決定,或作出其認為適當的另一命令(如有的話):例如《防止賄賂條例》(第201章)第12AB(2)(b)條。凡一項刑罰被推翻,新刑罰的代入即對其無效,但並非由最初開始即屬無效:Hancock v Prison Cmrs [1960] 1 QB 117。另見 Quashed conviction; Sentence。v.





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