

单词 Exclusive Economic Zone
释义 專屬經濟區
Abbr – EEZ. A geographic area extending 200 nautical miles from the baseline used to measure the territorial sea of a coastal state: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 art 6. In the EEZ coastal states have rights and duties with respect to exploring, exploiting, and managing natural resources on the sea bed, its subsoil, and its adjacent waters, as well as rights over marine research: art 56(1). They are also obliged to protect the marine environment and to allow other states passage of ships and aircraft, and the laying of submarine cables and pipelines: art 58. The Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf defines the EEZ of the People’s Republic of China and makes provision for the sovereign rights of the People’s Republic of China over its EEZ. This Law is a national law made applicable to the Hong Kong SAR by inclusion in Annex III of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR and was implemented in the Hong Kong SAR by promulgation under Promulgation of National Law 1998 (LN 393 of 1998). See also Exclusive fisheries zone; Territorial sea.
縮寫-EEZ。從用以測算沿海國領海基線起伸延200芵里的地區範圍:《1982年聯合國海洋法公約》第6條。在專屬經濟區內,就海床、海床底土及其鄰近水域的自然資源而言,沿海國有勘探、開發及管理的權利和義務,以及享有海洋研究的權利:第56(1)條。沿海國亦須保護海洋環境,並准予其他國家船舶和飛機通過及鋪設海底電纜和管道:第58條。《中華人民共和國專屬經濟區和大陸架法》界定了中華人民共和國的專屬經濟區,並為中國人民共和國在其專屬經濟區中享有的主權制定了條款。憑藉收納在《香港特別行政區基本法》附錄三,此等法律成為適用於香港特別行政區的國家法律,並通過《1998年國家法律頒布》(1998年LN393)頒布而在香港特別行政區施行。另見 Exclusive fisheries zone; Territorial sea。




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