

单词 Embargo
释义 禁運
Abbr – emb Any restriction or prohibition imposed upon commerce by law.
Foreign relations - A prohibition on the import or export of goods. Embargo, in international law, may be hostile and can be a method of conflict resolution and redress for perceived wrongs. It is one of the methods which the Security Council of the United Nations may employ to give effect to its decisions: Charter of the United Nations 1945 art 41. Examples of its use are the mandatory sanctions applied against Southern Rhodesia following its unilateral declaration of independence in 1968 (United Nations Security Council Resolution SC Res 235); and the arms embargo imposed against South Africa in 1977 (United Nations Security Council Resolution SC Res 418). Embargoes sanctioned by the Security Council of the United Nations may be implemented in Hong Kong by regulations made under the United Nations Sanctions Ordinance (Cap 537).
Maritime law - An order restricting the movement of ships or cargo into or within a country’s ports. The making of an embargo order is usually motivated by the desire to protect the country’s interests, for example in times of war. When an order only relates to the country’s own ships, it is called a ‘civil embargo’. When it applies to all ships regardless of their country of origin, it is termed a ‘hostile embargo’.
外交關係 -   禁止貨品進出口的禁令。在國際法上,禁運可以是懷有敵意的,並可以作為解決衝突的方法及作為已認知錯誤的糾正方法。禁運是聯合國安全理事會可使用以使其決定生效的方法之一:《1945年聯合國憲章》第41條。例如1968年南羅得西亞單方面宣布獨立之後,聯合國作出針對南羅得西亞而採取的強制制裁(《聯合國安全理事會決議第235號》);以及1977年針對南非而施加的武器禁運(聯合國安全理事會決議第418號)。由聯合國安全理事會實施的禁運制裁可以通過根據《聯合國制裁條例》(第537章)制定的規例在香港執行。
海商法 -   指限制船舶或貨物出入某國港口的命令。禁運的動機通常是為了保護有關國家的利益,例如戰時禁運。如禁運命令僅僅關於有關國家本身的船舶,則稱為「國內禁運」。如有關的命令在不論國籍來源的情況下,適用於所有的船舶,則稱為「敵意禁運」。n.




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