

单词 Election Committee
释义 選舉委員會
The Committee that elects the Chief Executive in accordance with the Basic Law. It is composed of 800 members from the following sectors: Industrial, commercial and financial sectors (200), the professions (200), Labour, social services, religious and other sectors (200), members of the Legislative Council, representative of district-based organisations, Hong Kong deputies to the National People’s Congress, and representatives of the Hong Kong members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (200). Candidates for the office of the Chief Executive may be nominated jointly by not less than 100 members of the Election Committee. Each member may nominate only one candidate. The Election Committee shall elect the Chief Executive designated by secret ballot on a one-person-one-vote basis: the Basic Law of the Hong Kong SAR, Annex I. The Election Committee constituted on 14 July 2000 under the Legislative Council Ordinance (Cap 542) shall be continued and regarded as having been constituted as the first Election Committee under the Chief Executive Election Ordinance (Cap 569) s 8 (3). The members of the Election Committee must be Hong Kong permanent residents, and the membership (other than ex-officio members) is to be determined in accordance with the procedures specified: sch. The members are to be representative of four sectors. The term of office of the Election Committee is five years commencing the date on which it is constituted: s 9. Only the members of the Election Committee whose names appear on the final register of members of the Election Committee can vote at a poll, unless he has resigned, is serving a sentence of imprisonment on the polling date, is or has been convicted: ss 25, 26.
根據《基本法》選舉行政長官的委員會。選舉委員會由800名下列界別的委員組成:工業、商業及金融界別(200名);專業界別 (200名)、勞工、社會服務及其他界別(200名)、立法會成員、地區性組織的代表、香港地區全國人民代表大會代表、以及香港地區中國人民政治協商會議代表 (200名)。競逐行政長官職位的候選人可由不少於100名的選舉委員會成員共同提名。每一名成員僅可提名一名候選人。選舉委員會應以一人一票及不記名投票的方式選出行政長官:《香港特別行政區基本法》附件一。根據《立法會條例》在2000年7月14日成立的選舉委員會繼續及被視為組成根據《行政長官選舉條例》第8 (3)條的第一屆選舉委員會。選舉委員會的委員須是香港永久性居民,選舉委員會的委員人選(當然委員除外) 須按照指明的程序決定:附表。委員由四個界別的代表組成。選舉委員會的任期為5年,由其組成的日期起計:第9條。只有名列選舉委員會正式委員登記冊的選舉委員才可投票,除非有關的委員已辭去委員席位、在選舉投票日當日正在服監禁刑、被裁定或曾被裁定犯罪,則屬例外:第25及26條。




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