

单词 Elements of crime
释义 罪行的元素
The constituents of an offence that the prosecution has to prove before a person can properly be convicted: R v Giannetto [1997] 1 Cr App Rep 1 (CA). This will be constituted by the actus reus and mens rea, that is, the overt act of the defendant accompanied by the requisite mental element: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 9, Criminal Law and Procedure [130.003]. See also Actus reus; Larceny; Mens rea.
控方須證明以將某人適當地定罪旳罪行構成要素:R v Giannetto [1997] 1 Cr App Rep 1 (芵國上訴法院)。罪行的元素由犯罪行為和犯罪意圖組成,即被告人公然的行為,隨同所需的心理元素:Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, 第9冊,刑法與刑事訴訟程序,第[130.003]段。另見 Actus reus; Larceny; Mens rea。




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