

单词 Bearer
释义 持票人

The person in possession of a bill or note that is ‘payable to bearer’: Bills of Exchange Ordinance (Cap 19) s 2. A bill may be payable to the bearer in its origin or become so by an indorsement in blank: ss 8(3), 34(1). See also Bearer bill; Bearer debenture; Cheque; Indorsement in Blank; Negotiable instrument.
管有匯票或承付票的人,而該匯票或承付票是付款予持票人者﹕《匯票條例》(第19章)第2條。可以原本的匯票或藉空白背書付款予持票人:第8(3)條,第34(1)條。另見 Bearer bill; Bearer debenture; Cheque; Indorsement in Blank; Negotiable instrument。n.





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