

单词 Travel agent
释义 旅行代理商

A person who carries on a business of selling or arranging the travel or accommodation, or both. It includes an inbound travel agent and an outbound travel agent: Travel Agents Ordinance (Cap 218) s 2. A person carries on business as an inbound travel agent if, in Hong Kong, he carries on the business of obtaining for a visitor to Hong Kong carriage, by any means of conveyance, on a journey which is to commence outside Hong Kong and which either terminates in Hong Kong; or involves the visitor passing through immigration controls before departing from Hong Kong, accommodation in Hong Kong for which payment is, or is to be, made to that person by or on behalf of the visitor of an amount on account of the cost of that accommodation; or one or more prescribed services: s 4A. An outbound travel agent means a person who carries on business as a travel agent by holding himself out as carrying on the business of, and carries on the business of, obtaining for another person carriage, by any means of conveyance, on a journey which is to commence in Hong Kong and which thereafter is to take place mainly outside Hong Kong; or accommodation at a place outside Hong Kong for which payment is, or is to be, made to that person by or on behalf of that other person of an amount on account of the cost of that accommodation: s 4. A travel agent must apply for a licence: ss 9, 10. Contravention of this provision is an offence: ss 9(a), 48. A travel agent owes a duty of care to the traveller where it ought to have obtained accurate information from a proper source, such as the need for a transit visa from a consulate, and thereafter, kept the customer advised of any change in the visa information so obtained: Musharaf Din v American Airlines & Anor [1989] 1 HKC 341. The travel agent’s obligation under a contract that the services will be provided with reasonable skill and care remains even if some of the services are to be rendered by others, and even if tortious liability may exist on the part of those others: Wong Mee Wan v Kwan Kin Travel Services Ltd & Ors [1996] 1 WLR 38, [1995] 3 HKC 505 (PC). See also Tourist; Tour operator.
經營售賣或安排旅遊或住宿或以上兩者業務的人。包括到港旅行代理商及外遊旅行代理商:《旅行代理商條例》(第218章)第2條。任何人如在香港經營以下業務,即屬經營到港旅行代理商業務:代任何到港旅客獲取在旅程中以任何運輸工具提供的載運,而該旅程是在香港以外地方開始的,該旅程並在香港終止、或涉及該旅客在離開香港前通過出境管制站;代任何到港旅客獲取在香港的住宿,而該旅客或其代表就或會就住宿費用向該人繳付款項;或代任何到港旅客獲取一項或多於一項訂明的服務:第 4A條。外遊旅行代理商指顯示及經營以下業務的人:代另一人獲取在旅程中以任何運輸工具提供的載運,而該旅程從香港開始,其後主要在香港以外進行;或代另一人獲取在香港以外任何地方的住宿,而該另一人或其代表就住宿費用向該人或會就住宿費用向該人繳付款項:第4條。旅行代理商必須申請牌照:第9及10條。違反上述條文即屬犯罪:第9(a)及48條。旅行代理商對其旅客負有應已從適當的來源取得準確資料的責任,例如須要從使領事館取得過境簽證,並在此之後保持通知其顧客任何已取得的有關簽證資料上的改變:Musharaf Din v American Airlines & Anor [1989] 1 HKC 341。即使若干服務會由他人提供.並且即使該等其他人可能存有侵權法律責任,旅行代理商在合約下會以合理的技巧及謹慎提供有關服務的責任仍然存在:Wong Mee Wan (Administratrix of the Estate of Ho Shui Yee, deceased) v Kwan Kin Travel Services Ltd & Ors [1996] 1 WLR 38, [1995] 3 HKC 505 (樞密院)。另見 Tourist; Tour operator。





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