

单词 Trespass to land
释义 侵犯他人土地
The intentional or negligent act of an individual which directly interferes with another individual’s exclusive possession of land without lawful justification. A person trespasses upon land if he wrongfully sets foot on it, rides or drives over it or takes possession of it (Blundell v Catterall (1821) 5 B & Ald 268) or expels the person in possession (Watson v Murray & Co [1955] 2 QB 1, 1 All ER 350), or pulls down or destroys anything permanently fixed to it (Lavender v Betts [1942] 2 All ER 72). Trespass to land may also be committed by preventing a person who has an exclusive right to possession to enter his land: Yeung Wah James v Alfa Sea Ltd [1993] 1 HKC 440. Trespass to land is actionable per se; proof of actual damage is not required: Entick v Carrington (1765) 19 State Tr 1029, 95 ER 807, [1558-1774] All ER Rep 41. For the plaintiff to succeed in the action, the defendant’s conduct must have infringed on the plaintiff’s use and enjoyment of land, whether above, below, or on the surface: Lawlor v Johnston [1905] VLR 714. Interference with a profit à prendre also constitutes trespass to land: Mason v Clarke [1955] AC 778. See also Nuisance; Profit à; prendre; Trespass.
在沒有合法理由的情況下,個別人士蓄意或疏忽的行為直接干擾另一人的獨有的土地管有。如一人不當地踏上有關的土地、駕車駛過或取去管有(Blundell v Catterall (1821) 5 B & Ald 268)、或軀逐管有的人 (Watson v Murray & Co [1955] 2 QB 1, 1 All ER 350)、或拆毀或破壞任何永久固定在土有關土地的東西(Lavender v Betts [1942] 2 All ER 72),則均屬侵犯他人土地。如阻止擁有獨有管有權的人進入他/她的土地,則亦屬犯有侵犯他人土地:Yeung Wah James v Alfa Sea Ltd [1993] 1 HKC 440。侵犯他人土地本身可予以訴訟;不須證明實際的損害:Entick v Carrington (1765) 2 Wills KB 275, 95 ER 807。如慾原告人在有關的訴訟勝訴,則必須證明被告人的行為違反原告人土地的使用及享用(不論是在土地的上面、下面或表面),Lawlor v Johnston [1905] VLR 714。藉取利權干擾亦構成侵犯他人土地: Mason v Clarke [1955] AC 778。另見 Nuisance; Profit à; prendre; Trespass。




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