

单词 Treasure trove
释义 埋藏物
AF – tresor trove – treasure found. Gold or silver, in coin, plate or bullion, deliberately concealed by its owner, whose identity is unknown. The supposed rule that a finder who takes possession of property absolutely abandoned or irretrievably lost by its former owner thereby acquires ownership is not applicable as against the Government or against persons who have acquired franchises by grant or prescription in respect of chattels of which possession has been lost or abandoned in special circumstances, such as treasure trove: Pierce v Bemis, The Lusitania [1986] QB 384, 1 All ER 1011. On a charge of theft of treasure trove, it is for the jury to determine whether the property was deposited by someone intending to retrieve it: R v Hancock [1990] 3 All ER 183. The coroner’s jurisdiction to conduct an inquest into treasure trove derives solely from the common law. See also Coroner; Inquest; Theft.
英國法語 – tresor trove – 被發現的財寶。指由身份不明的擁有人故意隱藏的金銀(例如硬幣,器具或塊條)。假定的規則是,取得管有已被先前擁有人完全遺棄或無可挽救地遺失的財產的發現者,會從而獲得擁有權,但這假定的規則並不適用於政府或藉授予或時效歸益權已取得在特殊情況下(例如埋藏物)失去管有或遺棄的實產的專營權者的情況:Pierce v Bemis, The Lusitania [1986] QB 384, 1 All ER 1011。就盜竊埋藏物的檢控而言,陪審團須決定有關的財產是否由意圖收回該筆財產的人存貯,並因而屬於政府的財產:R v Hancock [1990] 3 All ER 183。死因裁判官就寶庫進行研訴的司法管轄權僅源於普通法。另見 Coroner; Inquest; Theft。




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