

单词 Custom of merchants
释义 商人習慣/ 商業慣例
A rule of conduct of merchants, established by long commercial practice and usage in the normal course of trading activities. A valid custom and usage have the force of law. The general customs are those of the whole country and particular customs are the usage of particular trades and businesses. The court will take judicial notice or usage which is of commercial or other usage which has been proved sufficiently often in the courts of law: Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong, Vol 12, Evidence [175.098]. There should not be any doubt that while the rule as to the admission of custom and usage in evidence is a common law rule applicable in Hong Kong, the custom and usage that is to be admitted is the custom and usage of Hong Kong and not that of England or any other jurisdictions: Lau Yeong Wood v The Standard Oil Co of New York [1908] HKLR 53 (HC). See also Course of business.
在日常貿易活動過程中,由長期的商業行為和慣例確立的商人的行為規則。一項有效的習慣和慣例有法律效力。一般的習慣是整個國家的習慣,而特定的習慣是特定的貿易和商業的慣例。法院會對商業的慣例或其他經常被法院充分證明的慣例予以司法認知:《Halsbury’s Laws of Hong Kong,第12冊,證據,第[175.098]段。可以肯定,儘管承認習慣和慣例明顯是適用於香港的普通法規則,被承認的習慣和慣例應是香港的習慣和慣例而非英國或其他司法管轄內的習慣和慣例:Lau Yeong Wood v The Standard Oil Co of New York [1908] HKLR 53(高等法院)。另見 Course of business。




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