

单词 Conditional contract
释义 條件合約
1. A contract which will take effect upon the occurrence of an uncertain event is said to be subject to a condition precedent. 2. A contract which will become null and void upon the occurrence of an uncertain event is said to be subject to a condition subsequent: Gyllenhammar & Partners International Ltd v Sour Brodogradevna Industrija [1989] 2 Lloyd’s Rep 403. In both cases, the event must be beyond the control of the parties: Permtek Ltd v China Resources Machinery & Equipment Co Ltd [1989] 2 HKLR 349; United Dominions Trust (Commercial) Ltd v Eagle Aircraft Service Ltd [1968] 1 All ER 104, 1 WLR 74 (CA). The parties may not withdraw prior to the stated time for satisfaction of the condition: Smith v Butler [1900] 1 QB 964. Nor can the parties prevent the satisfaction of the condition: Chan Ping Kwong v Lee Chung Yung David (HCA 179/92, unreported); Mackay v Dick (1881) 6 AC 251 (HL). See also Contract; Irrevocable offer; Option; Time stipulation.
1. 受先決條件限制的合約,即須待某不確定事情發生後才能生效的合約。  2. 若某不確實事情發生時便變成無效的合約,亦即受往後條件限制的合約:Gyllenhammar & Partners International Ltd v Sour Brodogradevna Industrija [1989] 1 Lloyd’s Rep 403。在這兩種類別的合約中,有關的事情必須是締約各方所無法控制的:Permtek Ltd v China Resources Machinery & Equipment Co Ltd [1989] 2 HKLR 349; United Dminions Trust (Commercial) Ltd v Eagle Aircraft Service Ltd [1968] 1 All ER 104, 1 WLR 74(英國上訴法院)。締約各方不可在履行合約條件的指明時限之前退出:Chan Ping Kwong v Lee Chung Yung David(高院民事訴訟1992年第179號,未經彙報);Mackay v Dick (1881) 6 AC 251(上議院)。另見 Contract; Irrevocable offer; Option; Time stipulation。




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