

单词 Custody, care and control of child
释义 兒童的管養、照顧及管束
1. Custody is the legal parental rights and responsibilities of the parents of the child. Care and control of a child is the rights and responsibilities to have the day-to-day care and supervision of the child. In a divorce proceeding, the court may make an order granting custody, care and control to only one parent or an order granting joint custody to parents with care and control to one parent only. An order granting joint care and control is very unusual. 2. ‘Custody’, in relation to a child, includes access to the child: Matrimonial Proceedings and Property Ordinance (Cap 192) s 2.
1.管養指某兒童的父母的父母的法定權利及責任。對某子女的照顧及管束指享有該子女日常的照顧及監管的權利及責任。於離婚的法律程序中,法庭可作出命令向僅一名父或母頒授管養、照顧及管束的權利,或作出命令向父母雙方頒授共同管養權,而向僅一名父或母頒授照顧及管束的權利。頒授共同照顧及管束的權利的命令是極之不常見。  2.就子女而言,「管養」包括該子女的探視:《婚姻法律程序與財產條例》(第192章)第2條。




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