

单词 Obscene
释义 淫褻
Repulsive, filthy, loathsome or lewd. Material that is obscene has a tendency to deprave or corrupt persons who are likely, having regard to all relevant circumstances, to read, to see or hear it: R v Goring (The Times, 14 January 1999, unreported). A thing is obscene if by reason of obscenity it is not suitable to be published to any person: Control of Obscene and Indecent Articles Ordinance (Cap 390) s 2(2). Suitability for publication to the general audience or a particular audience is an objective test with reference to the standards of reasonable members of the community: Hui Siu Yan, Edward v Obscene Articles Tribunal [1994] 1 HKC 627, 4 HKPLR 901. See also Obscene Articles Tribunal; Obscenity.
可厭、污穢、令人厭惡或是猥褻的。在考慮到一切有關的情形下,某人在閱讀到,看到或聽到後,有被腐化或使墮落的傾向:R v Goring(《時代日報》1999年1月14日,未經彙報)。任何事物因為淫褻而不宜向任何人發布,即屬淫褻;《淫褻及不雅物品管制條》(第390章)第2(2)條。在考慮是否適宜向普通或特定觀眾發布某物品時,會以合理的社區分子標準的客觀測試:Hui Siu Yan, Edward v Obscene Articles Tribunal [1994] 1 HKC 627, 4 HKPLR 901。另見 Obscene Articles Tribunal; Obscenity。adj.




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