

单词 Banker's lien
释义 銀行的留置權
The right of a banker to retain possession of the subject matter of the lien until a customer has satisfied or discharged his indebtedness to the bank. All securities deposited with the banker by either the customer or a third party acting on his behalf, instruments paid in for collection and money held to the credit of the customer can be subject matter of the lien. See also Bank; Banking business; Law merchant; Lien; Pledge; Set-off.
直至客戶清償及解除銀行債項為止,銀行可以保留留置權標的事項的管有權。由客戶或代表他行事的第三者存放於銀行的一切證券,存入銀行由客戶收取的票據,以及代客戶在各戶口貸方持有的款項,都可以作為留置權的標的事項。另見 Bank; Banking business; Law merchant; Lien; Pledge; Set-off。




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